Legislative Management, Office of |
Contract Detail Info For #
Award Date | Start Date | End Date |
05/10/2012 | 05/10/2012 | 12/31/2012 |
Request for Proposal for Printing & Delivery of 2012 hRO District-wide Newsletters |
Solicitation and Contract Conditions
Includes SBE/MBE Requirements | Qualified Partnership | DBE | Political Subdivisions | Agencies | CT Recovery |
Yes | No | No | No | No | No |
Contact | Telephone | FAX | E-Mail |
CGAContractingDepartment | (860) 240-0100 | | CGAContracting@cga.ct.gov |
Common Documents
Date | Description |
9/7/2012 4:29:26 PM | JCLM12REG0032.pdf Printing & Delivery of 2012 HRO District-wide Newsletters Contract |
1 Vendor(s)
Contract # | Cert | Vendor | Contact | Catalog |
JCLM12REG0032 Start: 05/10/2012 End: 12/31/2012 Expired | No | The Pyne - Davidson Co. 237 Weston Street Hartford, CT 06120 Peoplesoft ID: 0000021244 | Daniel J. Davidson Phone: (860) 522-9106 FAX: (860) 520-0057 E-Mail | No |