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SCP Company Detail
State Contracting Portal Company Detail

Company Name DBA Address 1 Address 2 City, State, ZIP Code Product Rikki Electric Inc. REI Technology 15 Washbrook Rd Newtown CT 06470 Business Type Web Address Corporation

Company Contacts
Contact NameAddressPhone/FAXEmail
Jeffery Jorgenson15 Washbrook Rd
Newtown, CT 06470
Phone: (203) 426-1907
Ext: 101
FAX: (203) 426-1383

Current Active Contracts
Contract DatesContract NumberDescription
No current contracts found.

Company Selected Industry Codes
ClassClass DescriptionSubClass Description (SubClass)
0016Audio Visual Equipment and Accessories and SuppliesAudio Visual Equipment (001)
Audio Visual Equipment, Rental/Lease of (101)
Audio Visual Equipment, Repair/Maintenance/Inspection of (201)
0017Communication, Signal, and Alarm Equipment, Accessories & SuppliesAnnunciater and Call Signal Equipment, Accessories and Supplies (008)
Video Surveillance Products (031)
Public Address Equip. (040)
Telephone Equip. (D.O.I.T.) (096)
Annunciator and Call Signal Equip., Rental/Lease of (108)
Rental or Lease of Video Surveillance Products (131)
Public Address Equip., Rental/Lease of (140)
Annunciator and Call Signal Equip.,Repair/Maint./Inspect. of (208)
Repair, Maintenance, Inspection of Video Surveillance Products (231)
Public Address Equip., Repair/Maint./Inspect. of (240)
0018Computer Peripherals/Supplies,Computer Peripherals/Supplies (015)
0025Electrical Apparatus and Supplies, Purchase and Maintenance ofWire and Cable: Electric (080)
3000Education and Training ServicesComputer vocational training services (010)
Telecommunications vocational training services (016)
5018Computer HardwareComputers, Tablet (020)
Computers, Personal Computer (030)
Computers, Laptop Computer (035)
Computer Servers (045)
Fiber Optics Components/Cable Systems (430)
Networking (530)
Bar code Scanners (760)
5020Computer Software, Packages, all TypesCommercial off the shelf software, (COTS) (040)
5022Information Technology ServicesComputer Software Development and related services (750)
Computer Consulting (760)
Computer Training (780)
6000Computer TelecommunicationsRepair/Maintenance: Computer & MIS Equipment (300)
Research and Development Services (750)
Information Technology Services (860)
7000Telephone and Radio EquipmentWireless Services (010)
Telephone Equipment (960)

Company Affiliates
Affiliate NameDescription
No Affiliate records found.

Supplier Diversity Certificate History
Expiration DateCertificate TypeWomanDisabledClass Description
May 24, 2017 - May 24, 2019SBE   
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